S.K.A.T.E / Best Trick / Best Line
0830-0915: Registration
0915-1000: Mini-contest
1000-1200: Skate line contest
1200-1400: Game of S.K.A.T.E
1400-1600: Best Trick
Venue: Singapore Polytechnic basketball court
(It is located behind the McDonalds in Singapore Poly)
Date: Saturday 27th October 2012
Time: 8.30am – 4pm
Registration fee: $10
The annual Singapore Polytechnic Skateboarding Competition is back!
It is open to students of local and international schools. Bring your student card.
*All participants are required to fill complete the indemnity form and bring it on the day itself.
Competitors under 18 will have to have their parent’s signature.
Additional $5 for competitors who want a shirt to commemorate this event.
Place order on the day itself Prizes will only be given to the best in each event; however the best 3 in each section will be given a medal.
Indemnity form download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0on9t0ijnxpjqs/SP_Skates_Club%20idemnity_form.docx
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