Queenstown Skatepark is temporarily closed for repairs. These ramps are in very bad shape. They are the Rhino Ramps brand distributed by Playpoint Singapore and aren't very long lasting.

Queenstown Skatepark is temporarily closed for repairs. These ramps are in very bad shape. They are the Rhino Ramps brand distributed by Playpoint Singapore and aren't very long lasting.
How long does the repair finish ???
boring skatepark
too small
its about time
When does the park reopen ??
LCS, can you help us approach them and request for proper spotlight placement or even better if they could change the design/obstacle? this place needs to be reconstruct in EVERY WAY.
Instead of those bushes, they could clear it and make a bigger space with small bowl, mini street, that size of park in other countries would already have alot of obstacles..
They should cut all the bushes and put some street obstacle..
the contractors there said,they are just gonna repair the small box. and said there is nothing wrong with the ramps. b**ch please. Its dark because of the overgrown bushes. and they should make an obstacle as high as go sports ledge. it would be great if LCS can help us approach them. save Queens! thank you in advance.
They should remake the park .! The coulors of the ramps are too dark .. LCS when does the park open .???
Around december 2012 i heard henderson road gonna build skatepark , t-net club bukit merah told that he has agrement that henderson is opening skatepark ... They gonna start building at december ...
Singapore sucks ... Usa better got stoner plaza skateplaza woodward camp and many more ! Singapore can build many skatepark but the govermant sucks ! Malaysia skatepark many than singapore ...all singapore skateboarder surely bored ! Lcs u should tell the govermant to build more skatepark atleast 50 park or 100 skatepark !
True ! And agree ! They should build atleast 50 park is enought for the skaters in singapore .. All places in singapore should have skatepark ! Lcs u should help us theres many open spaces in singapore ..
We destroy all the street we vandalise all ledge so that they will make skatepark !:)
Hi skater:
I'm referring to Sep 2 comment, please do not use threatening words. You'll be in a hot soup if the authority finds about your comment. Please be more constructive in your reply. The government built a lot of skate parks in the housing estates so that you don't have to travel far to skate. Please be grateful.
80's skater.
I need an answer ??? Went does the park open???could anyone reply???
its been almost a year and nothing has been done 0_0 , maybe clear the bushes and make another skatepark like the one in eastcoast that would be cool.............
if its like dat i just vandalise and destroy the void decks easy wat
Skate every damn spot n destroy i !
They really need to build more concrete skateparks. They should rebuilt the old ones into better ones too. Like bedok. They should make it better. So big space for what sia? Aish. This is why singapore skaters dont really make it far and get sponsored, we cant practice with lousy skateparks, and east coast one damn hard to go there sia.
Queenstown skatepark has reopen, but it only has the two ramps at the side. The middle block is gone, now the middle is empty...
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