Converse skateboarding presents the inaugural City Carnage Skateboarding Competition featuring international judges from Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore. This time round, Converse is adding a tone of seriousness in skateboarding. The event will represent Converse’s first ever skateboarding competition in Asia that aims to unite skaters and showcase board-riding culture in its full glory, as well as provide a spotlight for young talents in the region. Contestants from all over Asia will rip through the course to impress the international jury and the spectators. With three different categories, the battle for more than $5000 worth of prizes will definitely allow the cheering crowd to experience a non-stop show of aerials, flips, and grinds. Join us for this daylong affair with a great fusion of sporting action and live music performances by local bands at Somerset Skate Park (beside Somerset MRT) in the heart of Singapore.
CAT 1: 12 years & below
1 minute run format per competitor.
Registration fee: SGD$10.
Open to 12 years and below.
Limit to 50 contestants.
Top 15 scorers from individual run will proceed to the final.
Top 3 scorers from the final run will be the winners of Converse 12 & below.
1st Prize : $500 Converse vouchers
2nd Prize: $300 Converse vouchers
3rd Prize : $200 Converse vouchers
CAT 2: 13 - 16 years
1 minute run format per competitor.
Registration fee: SGD$10
Open to non-sponsored skaters only.
Limit to 40 contestants.
Top 10 scorers from individual runs will proceed to the final skate jam.
Skate jam format: 5 men heat
Top 3 scorers from the final skate jam will be the winners of Converse 13-16 years category.
1st Prize : $600 Converse vouchers
2nd Prize: $400 Converse vouchers
3rd Prize : $300 Converse vouchers
CAT 3: Open
1 minute run format per competitor.
Registration fee: SGD$20.
Open to sponsored and non-sponsored skaters.
Limit to 30 contestants.
Top 10 scorers from individual run will proceed to the final skate jam.
Skate jam format: 5 men heat.
Top scorer from the final skate jam will be the winner of Converse Open category.
Winner will receive a return ticket and accomodation to Shanghai Regional Final on 16-17 June 2012.
1st Prize : Represent Singapore in Shanghai + $800 Converse vouchers + SGD $1000
2nd Prize: $600 Converse vouchers
3rd Prize : $400 Converse vouchers
Padin Musa (Malaysia) - Head Judge
Maris (Malaysia), Fanny Inong (Indonesia) and Hafiz Salleh (Singapore).
Event Run Down
1.00pm: Registration starts
1.30pm: First band performance
2.00pm: Heats 1 (12 years old and below)
2.30pm: End of heats
2.45pm: Second band performance
3.15pm: Heats 2 (13 to 16 years old)
5.30pm: End of heats
5.45pm: Heats 3 (Open)
6.30pm: End of heats
6.40pm: Third band performance
7.30pm: Short film screening
7.45pm: Open Skate Jam
8.30pm: Fourth band performance
9.00pm: Prize Presentation
10.00pm: End of event
*All competitors are to report 1 hour before the start of the category they signed up for.
*Protective gear and helmet are compulsory.
*Converse will not be responsible for any changes in the program.
*For enquiry, email info@alanticsports.com or call Nazir at 81484900.
All printed and signed forms, together with the payments are to be submitted to Converse
Orchard Central by 1 June 2012.
All registered skaters are entitled 30% off on selected skate shoes.
istration fee: SGD$20. RIPOFF
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