If anyone is visiting Bali, Indoneisa this Christmas be sure to drop by Motion Skatepark and get your skate on!

Motion Skatepark Rules

Huge Emerica logo

Chill out area

Skateboard deck furniture

There is a small skateshop inside the park to grab some gear.

Motion Skatepark Address:
Jalan Cafe Legong 420
Sunset road
Bali, Indonesia
(It's beside the Carrefour on Sunset road)
Motion Skateshop in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

Motion Skateshop Address:
Jalan Legian,
No. 155 Kuta,
Bali, Indonesia
Tel: (62) 361 - 754918
SMS: (62) 361 - 8553608
Interview with Afandy - Owner of Motion Skateshop and Motion skatepark, Bali, Indonesia
When did you open motion skate shop?
May 2007
Why did you decide to open a skate park in Bali and when did you open?
Bali really needed a solid "street" park cause thats what all the skaters here wanted to skate including myself. Ever since i was young its been a dream of mine to own a skatepark. The chance came about and i took the opportunity. My family supported and also the sponsors. We opened the park on the 16th of may 2010.
What were some of the challenges you faced opening the park?
The only challenge was actually building everything. we didnt get a contractor we just did it our selves ...From the foundation, whole building, floor and skatepark. We were on a budget, so me and my Park Manager David had to go buy all the materials our self, research how to build it right then follow through. I remember the hardest part was the floor. Our goal was a smooth concrete slab, the cement workers here dont know how to make a smooth slab. So we had to do it our selves based on info from youtube haha. but it worked out great and the park now is what we accomplished.
Roughly, how many skateboarders are there in Bali?
Around 500 skaters
With the average house hold income in Bali being significantly lower than in other parts of the world can skaters afford the big name skateboard brands?
To be honest most of them cant cause a pro board is like half a months paycheck here. We have cheaper alternatives like our own Motion Skateboards that's doing pretty well around Indonesia too. We try to support the skate community in anyway possible.
How many other skate parks are there in Bali?
We got the Globe Bowl in Jimbaran, Juliens Bowl in Sanur, Elevate Skate Foundation, and what we built...the Simpang siur ghetto park and many small DIY parks around the island.
Is there a street skating scene?
Yes, We all grew up street skating before all the parks, even though the spots were pretty shit. but we did have Taman Festival Bali... an abandoned theme park complete with double sets, ledges and gaps. It was pretty haunted as well. There are other spots.... u just gotta look hard.
Does everyone in Bali Surf?
Yes, thats what we are known for. Some of the best waves in the world.
Last trick someone did at Motion skatepark that you were stoked on?
anything yogi does...that kid will surprise you. also norman genta did a perfect nollie frontside bluntslide on the triangle a few days ago... that was tight.
What happened to Base skatepark? That park seemed to pop up and close down within a year or two.
I dont really know what happened. but i was sad to see it go.....loved skating that park, RIP BASE
Blackberry or Iphone?
Does Motion sponsor any skateboarders?
Yeah we sponsor a few kids...Yogi, Dewa Oka, Dimas Hs, Sanggoe, Rangga and we always support Vijie and norman genta
It seems like every shop in Kuta sells skateboards and cruisers. Is it tough operating a skateshop?
Yeah man times are tough for a shop these days. But those shops dont really impact me. We try to be different than all the other shops. Like trying to build the skatebrands here in indo. that's one of my main focuses. we currently distribute DLXSF (spifire, thunder, real and venture), bakerboys (deathwish, shake junt and baker) and Soletech (Etnies & Emerica) and its going pretty good. Futures lookin bright people ;)
Trying to find your shop in Kuta I got stopped and offered 5 sex massages. Is this normal?
That shit gives Bali a bad name. Thats not what the balinese are about. mostly the people that own or work at the massage parlours are outsiders and alot of people dont know that. The government needs to clean it up!!!
I read on Wikipedia that the Australian government rates Bali at a 4 danger level (the same as several countries in central Africa) on a scale of 5. How safe is it to live there?
Tell that to the thousands of expats moving over here. All that danger level stuff is Bulls**t. Ok the night life here might get a little out of hand but isn't that normal. Over all its 10x safer than your average major city like NY, LA or Sydney.... we are way way mellower.
What's the name of Motion Skatepark's Pet Dog?
Her name is MOMO, she walked in to the park while we were building it and never left. She can drop in on the big quarter pipe. no joke...
Where do you see Motion Skatepark 2 years from now?
Hopefully we extend the rent of the land and also extend the back into a small outdoor section.... and keep growing with the industry
Shout outs and last words:
I just want to say that we have to support the Indonesian skate Community. We all want to see the industry move forward and to do so we all have to work together and support your local brands, skateshops and skater. Stop all the stolen/black market skate stuff.... yeah its sells good and its cheap but you killing the industry.... how can the real companys grow and support the scene if your killing them with stolen shit. Also i think the government in the major areas like Jakarta and bandung need to build a skatepark, i mean cmon there are 1000's of skaters in jakarta but no public skatepark, bandung also....thats not right.... i could go on for hours but i wont.
I would like to thank my Mum, my wife Dewi, Ibu Made without them there would no Motion park or shop. All the skaters photographers and filmers of Indonesia!! All the Surf/Skate Brands that support the skate scene. All the local brands that are trying to make it happen in there part of Indo. all the Skateshops around indonesia that are struggling too....and anyone that has supported Motion along the way. thank you so much. KITA AKAN SELALU SUPPORT KALIAN!!!
cool that they built it themselves!!
Barry, this is a really good article!
very interesting to read about the park- never knew it existed and ive been to bali several times.
Sick park!!!
OMG that illuminati tank top i need that
the park, the shop, the videos! EVERYTHING so sick!!!
I went before to ask for deck
I went before to ask for deck
I saw one skateboard trucks at Bali near kuta square the skateboard trucks is very light
I bought my deck here.. at motion skate shop
i love affandy
Amazing afandy!
i love the look of this park,i;m coming here with my friend in a couple of days. i was just wondering how much a full set MOTION board costs.(need a new one
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