FYI, these are not in skate shops yet. Only available through us for the time being. Please send orders to
We are also running a competition - film a short 30 second advert or a full length film (lol) using your LCS deck and stand a chance to win another LCS deck.
says $69 in the photo but i think they used to be $75. i bought there previous model the singapore skyline for $75. it was really good! i regret skating with it, because when i tried to buy another they were sold out of it and i wanted to hang it on my wall..
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getting one this week! sent u email did u get it?
nice design
E-mail received. Thank you
I will get this after my current one snaps haha.
I'll get this after get pay :P
how can i get this deck
how can i get this ??
@az: Please send orders to
Alternatively, you can send us a private message on Facebook.
Cash on delivery. Meet up at a skatepark or spot so we can skate.
still have stock ?
Do u still sell the old design ?
The skyline deck, our first design is sold out sorry.
Yes, we still have stock of our current design.
how much is a deck?
says $69 in the photo but i think they used to be $75. i bought there previous model the singapore skyline for $75. it was really good! i regret skating with it, because when i tried to buy another they were sold out of it and i wanted to hang it on my wall..
is the deck light??????
I got mine last weekend its liter that my baker deck i using last time.
how to buy can i buy btw i am only 12
Please send orders to
Alternatively, you can send us a private message on Facebook.
Cash on delivery. Meet up at a skatepark or spot so we can skate.
so i kinda new to skate world,thought of buyin a skateboard but not sure which one to buy.what would you recommend?
this deck is so good i just got it- boardslides are really smooth
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