I have been riding a set of Alien Workshop Microlites wheels for the past 6 months. They are light (due to the lightweight inner air core), hard, no flat-spots and then all of a sudden this happened to one of the wheels.

Luckily I wasn't riding my skateboard on the expressway or I could have been thrown under a car. Although it would probably take a bus or a tank to crush me.
*When I bought the wheels I noticed the small hole on the wheel above but didn't take too much notice of it. Big mistake! Don't buy any wheels that have tiny holes in them.
"Although it would probably take a bus or a tank to crush me."
lol barry you crack me up homie. will watch out for wheels with tiny holes and manufacturing defects.
Damn my ricta wheels have loads of bubbles inside them
they made a huge mistake by making the core round
3 of my air core wheels ended up like that....
or maybe it became like that cos water caused the adhesive glue to lose its adhesiveness and so it became like that ?
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