Construction at Woodlands skatepark appears to have finished. The skatepark consists of SkateWave obstacles (SkateWave is modular skatepark brand, owned by a playground manufacturer). We would have definitely preferred a skatepark with more street emphasis and something more plaza themed with concrete but SkateWave is better than nothing.

The park is extremely small compared to the amount of space allocated for the basketball and football courts behind the Woodlands skatepark. Look at how empty they are in the background. Hopefully, in the future town councils allocate larger areas for new age action sports like skateboarding and aggressive inline that are gaining in popularity while more traditional sports like football and basketball decline.

Two flat bars, both square in design. We would have liked to see a round rail instead of two square rails. Even better would have been to add a curb or grind box. A manual pad is also missing, making the Woodlands skatepark in our eyes an "incomplete" skateboarding facility.

When we went down to check out the park we were pleasantly surprised to see a lot of young new faces giving skateboarding a try. Unfortunately, this little guy is camera shy and the ramps have already been vandalized with spray paint.

This obstacle is ridiculous. The ramp is too short in length making it uncomfortable and unsafe to skate the rail or stairs. The rail needs to be longer and there needs to be more space in-between the launch and flat so skaters have more time to prepare for their trick. This is where the "kiss the rail" term comes from. You literary have no grinding or sliding time with such a short rail.

The mini-ramp is a descent size and we think a lot of people will have fun on this obstacle. If there was a larger cement area behind the ramp, it could have doubled as a small manual pad.

The badminton courts that run parallel the Woodlands skatepark are vital for flatground practice. We are affraid that if badminton nets get put up this will take away a vital feature of any "good" skate park, smooth flat ground! We will also see skateboarders and badminton players colliding and injuring themselves.

Also visit Woodlands skatepark under-construction
its faster to stop at admiralty.
@darryl: We asked a few skaters which MRT was closer to the park and they all said Woodlands. Nonetheless, it's probably a 5 minute skate from both Woodlands and Admiralty MRT station.
thats true. but if you're coming from town its 20 cents cheaper (:
I really don't see the need to share the skatepark with 2 badminton courts. It is sad enough that the skate facility is so little and yet we have to share them with 2 badminton courts. Don't they think of the badminton players safety? Clearly they didn't use their brains or they don't have one to begin with. pffftt.
add a pyramid hips there :)
I think they have 4 badminton courts if im not wrong. And it does seem a but peculiar to have them so close to the skatepark. It's like they are trying to say, if the skatepark isn't busy please play badminton here. but this is just going to cause disagreements between the two groups of people skatebaorders and badminton players..also dangerous right..
They should take away that short rail stair obstacle and replace it with a pyramid like "yoo" said. Most people not gonna be skating the rail or steps anyway. sure they use as a launch now.
If they added a curb that was move-able to the badminton court/flatground area i would actually go to this skatepark. I can't skate rails.. I can only skate curbs. curbs are easier for me and i hope they add one. pleasssssssssssssse
grind box and water fountain please
can some local skate representatives come forward and approach the relevant authorities regarding the "unsafe" obstacles? i mean,da rail,the short ramp,the stairs is very redundant.i do believe that better obstacles can be placed if local pro skaters gives inputs or the construction committee ask for their advice. there seemed to be this linkage missing; pro-skaters,Sports council and what nots.. they have wasted a considerably large amount of money by just constructing a "this-park-looks-just-ok-for-skaters" skate facility. and i doubt any changes are to be made to this setup any soon. just my thought guys..
WLDS skatepark,like my dad say"betta den notin",and since d plc is new everyone is tryin out tis plc.
me still prefered bishan s most regulars there r friendly,givin tips/encouragement for newbies like me.gettin betta everytime our trip end there(wkend).for wkday wlds will provide some fun as i stay nearby.
d young shy skaters above is me frm wlds pri sch.IRISH & eryan
Hey everyone..I heard there's a skatepark near Yishun or Khatib!!!! A new skatepark..very nice and cool...haven't yet done...ride from Yishun Interchange bus can see..haha I is fun...much better.
Anyways theres a new skatepark at singapore poly, better cehck it out. Constructions and all are done.
So many posers wasting space just sitting there the whole day staring and calling random people noobs. >:(
everyone is a noob (beginner) when they start. we have all been there. lets try to encourage the noob skaters and teach them some skate park rules
Hi hi, does anyone know who manages this skate park? Am thinking of shooting a film there so was wondering who I should contact for permission. Any help will be greatyly appreciated.
it has already have a drain and a kind of ledge and another ledge for grinding and air over.
@azhari: Are you saying they have added new grinding obstacles? If they have please send us pictures
if i have time.
This is stupid i almost fell of the kiss the rail damn
and BTW about the badminton court ITS FREAKING BIG the skate park is so tiny...
yea SP got skatepark,with a real mini ramp,ie low jus scared of that kind of material,like too smooth,go up will fall like tt.same as the one in tis pic.anw,where to yishun/katib one?pic?
we dont w our badminton rackets ya know... -.-
can anyone challenge me in game of sk8. im bored of challenging my friend(always win)
Now here not nice alady,the floor everywhere got small pieces of the brick that cover the longkang there,very easy can fall down
Got some hole at the badminton place,alot people fall when their wheel stuck in the hole
Hey I like this skatepark,,all the skater are friendly
Ya, the ''kiss the rail'' is kinda stupid. I think you guys are right, they should replace it with a pyramid instead. so the small ones can play with it too.
i tot the vadalised ramp was cleaned? and wat time there is no people there at the skatepark cause i quite shy dun dare play
always crowded
i don't see it i search map but i just don't see it
Is the penny board suitable for this skatepark? Please reply before Friday.
waste of space...
It is closed for building houses Singapore now a days to much house here house there hiass
It is closed for building houses Singapore now a days to much house here house there hiass
This park has been demolished.
confirm this park was demolished
Demolished already.
sadly, woodlands skatepark is already closed.. rumors saying that it would be build behind the the carpark of blk 891c, behind the woodlands skatepark shown in the map above. but then again its just rumors.. hmm
Anyone knows spots at woodlands/marsiling area?
"...rumors saying that it would be build behind the the carpark of blk 891c, behind the woodlands skatepark shown in the map above..." is no rumor. The skatepark has been rebuilt. It's still dusty from the construction, well at least we have it. Have fun.
It's opened.. Almost near the same spot but its across the street of the church along the Park Connector..
Now it had change place at behind the car park because of the new house.
Where is it?
is this skatepark still open?
yeah this skatepark is still open.Im a 14 y/o noob female skater.I stopped by the park before at night the people were friendly :) but in the morning theres alot of guys ,some shirtless,sitting on the ramp i scared to go ah haha
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