Skateboard Series for the iPhone 4 (Made with Real Laser-cut Grip Tape)

If you skate and want to show off your style everywhere you go, this wrap is for you. We use real skateboard grip-tape to manufacture each item and each is precision cut with a laser for a perfect fit. When combined with a wood grain vinyl edge wrap this design actually gives your iPhone 4 the illusion of being a skateboard, all you need now are the wheels. The only advice we can give you is not to slide this phone against your grandma’s table because this material is very rough. Accept no imitations, this wrap is the 1st and only of its kind. Any wrap that follows is surely just a cheap imitation. Get yours today!
Where you can get this and how much?
@Toshi: the link to purchase it is in the description below.
I searched on youtube after seeing this and found the video for the wrap.
you gunna have holes in yo pocket.
plus, i dont think its really a good idea as any skater knows that the sand from the grip may rub off and rub against, thus damaging your screen or other parts of your iphone while its bouncing around in your pocket.
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