Hello readers! I'm Rose Budd and this is my first post for Lion City Skaters. I thought I would share a skate spot with everyone today. I know this is not a new spot but it deserves to be added to the skate spot directory.

Ledges are well grinded and with some wax they slide well

There is a 7 foot drop AKA the leap of faith. (kids often play football here so be careful not to hit anybody)

There aren't any "no skateboarding" signs but the Police do sometimes show up so be careful and be respectful to the local residents.
OMFG!!!!!!!!! i have been looking for this spot forever. i saw it on some really old skate video on youtube... i cud never find it..
fun spot
Hi everyone,skated here in the past,great spot. Police do drop by every once in a while,but BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR AN ELDERLY INDIAN WOMAN(Not being racist) If she stands nearby and looks on,she will eventually call the police. I've seen her do it myself at least 3 times before. Just a word of caution lol,enjoi the spot skaters
"There aren't any "no skateboarding" signs but the Police do sometimes show up so be careful and be respectful to the local residents." Tell this to a cop and they will screw you, they take it as the same thing.
Taufik Batisah used to sk8 herre b4 he went for NS. This spot was a ghetto!!!
memories.. used to sk8 here back in '99-2001.. taufik celak, taufik amk and the rest of the SG pros at that time used to frequent EVERGREEN.. after that, will proceed to AMK banks.. if senior guys know what i mean.. damn... been exactly 10 yrs i quit..
no skateboardin signs.. but wen d police comes, they will claim dis.
"dnt tell me dats a roller blading sign only, it also says no skating~"
Just say "Oh, I didn't know about that."
Sometimes they will let you off. Just don't rebel.
awesome spot!! im so gonna skate there with my bro sean malto kepala buto
The spot has been demolished to built a stage , gonna be completed soon the stage has the big 2 of 5 steps
Guyz is there any skatespots around woodlands or marsiling?Because all the skatespots are far
Lol i live so near to there....
so is this spot still available to skate or not??
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