Mettle Games Skateboarding Results
1. M. Firdaus Abdul Rahman
2. M. Farris Abdul Rahman
3. Sutat Sirawat (Thailand)
4. Juarimi B. Jumpri
5. M. Feroze Abdul Rahman
6. Christopher James Aguero
7. Nazeer
8. Wan Kecik
9. Hanafie Kamsanie
10. Shamil B. Jumali
Congratulations to Firdaus, Farris and Sutat for skating their hardest and making it onto the podium. Well done to all the skaters that joined the Mettle Games 2010.
Below are some photographs. More will be uploading to our Facebook account over the next few days. Also check back soon for video footage of the event.

Feroze with a frontside feeble monster

Chris backside bluntslide

Syed Superman with a nollie backside lipslide

Nollie late flip (I swear he is going to be pro some day)

Backside Lipslide

Shamil frontisde 5-0 grind

Hanafie nose manual to manual

Mr Nixon with a backside lipslide

The one-armed skateboarder with a switch tail slide

If I point at my foot I will land a frontside boardslide

Feroze hand signals other skaters to stop while he finishes his kickflip backside lipslide

Nazeer with a bluntslide

Wax statue

Wan K with a melon grab

Epul frontside lipslide

Barry frontside nose grind

Juraimi backside 5-0 grind

Ben with a ..... I'm gonna call this trick a Cannon Ball grab

Raihan (Roy) backside K-grind

Farris Heelflip
lol.... Barry, Ben did a Madonna grab...
Thank you for posting pictures and video. You are the only skateboarding site in Singapore that actually covers events. I visit your site everyday during my break or lunch time. I am making a video and it would be great if you guys can post it on the site. I will e-mail you it once it's finished. THANK YOU
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