Last week's Skateboarding Art Exhibition saw a nice turnout of aspiring artists, skateboarders, hot chicks, and even hotter chicks. Students from the Design Communication programme at LASALLE used skateboarding decks as a medium to convey their thoughts and opinions on a number of contemporary issues.

Not sure if the McDonald's design is representative of the American Flag, or the packaging used for their french fries. Either way "I'm Lovin' it!"

All the decks were made from cheap 9 ply veneers, most likely due to budget restraints. Next time, it would be more appropriate to use good quality decks that can later be auctioned off at the event. Skateboarders, skateshops, restaurants, and even offices might purchase these. I would have definitely bid on a few.

I'm glad someone honored one of the most famous skateboarders in history, Bart Simpson. Ten years ago if you asked a person on the street to name a skateboarder they might say Bart Simpson. But now with the help of mass media, the X-Games, MTV, video games and other pop culture people now know Tony Hawk, Bam Margera, Ryan Sheckler, and Rob Dyrdek.

Trouble makers on the Billabong mini-ramp.
Best Trick Competition Results:
1. Farris Rahman
2. Faiz Kidoba
3. Richard White
Congratulation to the above and all the skaters that joined the competition.
Aaron photobombed the winners picture.
I guess he can't get enough of the cameras.
BTW lasalle was filled with hotties! That was the cherry on the cake to complete the event/comp.
hahah nice Aaron insertion
aaron won?
are thoes decks 4 sale?
Read the text - they already said the decks were not real skateboards so they are not skateable..
and why were there so many hot girls? i was shocked by some of the art girls haha
What a Longboard exhibition , I like to visit this kind of campaign.
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